The point of no return: When your post office starts to offer crypto purchase

2 min readSep 11, 2021

Yeah, you read it right. Recently UK post office started to offer bitcoin purchases. Cryptocoins (and in this case Bitcoin) as the precursor of all of this has won. It is changing the way we are going to interact with money and our finances for ever.

More than that, the technology will make profound changes in the financial market. DeFi (decentralized finance), GameFi (derived from the concept play2earn, where you play games to be rewarded with crypto tokens) and all other sorts of **Fi will become intrinsic part of our lives.

Lots of older financial concepts are being reinvented and applied to crypto. But why? — you maybe asking. Overall, financial services are crap. The whole experience delivered by banks and other financial institutions are not there yet. Even for the new Fintechs. They, for sure, improved a lot over the current competition by digitizing drastically most of their relationships with customers. Will this be enough? I mean, experience is much more than just digitizing the interaction points with your customer.

Some concepts that we know about finance will change for ever, transformed by blockchain.

This is where DeFi starts to play. Blockchain allows for a user to borrow and lend at better interest rates with no intermediaries for instance. It allows you to invest (I am not a financial advisor, beware!) in newly launched products through IEOs (Initial Exchange Offering) or IDOs (Initial Decentralized Exchange Offering) and make some money when the project you invest on grows. Now you even have access to DEX (Decentralized Exchanges), without bureaucratic KYC processes if you are not a whale (investor with lots of money) and just want to get started with crypto. And all of this is available online, at a distance of some clicks (and some knowledge about of cryptomarket and it operates, of course).

If you want to know more, please visit out website CryptoStakers.Network to get started. Happy crypto’ing!

Thanks for reading and have a nice day!




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